This past Saturday I experienced the greatest thrill of my life. I jumped from 10,000 ft out of a perfectly good airplane! When I tell you that this was absolutely amazing, I really mean it and I recommend to everyone that you do it too!
After arriving down in D.C. Friday night around 11:00, Mira, Nessa and I decide to meet up with some friends and hit the town for a little bit. But, not too late since we had our jump plans the next day. Not too late turned into closing the bars down and staying up until 3:30/4 o'clock! Even though it was a blast going out, it was a mistake since we had to get up around 7 the next morning to drive out to our Drop Zone (using skydiving terms).
From D.C. the trip was roughly a 2 hr drive into Maryland to Rigley Airfield. It was basically the middle of no where on a dirt road! Mira, Nessa and I arrive shortly before 10 and start looking around the airfield and getting really excited. Mira and I have had this planned for a couple months now and we couldn't believe the time had finally arrived and that Nessa was there to support us in our crazy task.
After some confusion on where to go we finally found the office where we had to check in. We meet Melissa, who helps put us through the process. Mira and I fill out the forms that say we cannot take and legal action if something happens to us....such as bodily harm, or if we are killed. My favorite was the last sheet, which was printed on a red paper with big black WARNINGS all over it, telling us we could die!
Melissa goes on to explain to us that one of the jump instructors had actually called out for the day, so our 11 o'clock jump might get pushed back since there is only the one instructor. We say it is fine and head outside to watch the other skydivers come down. Melissa, who has several tattoos and is an absolutely chill chick, decides to join us. She fills us in on a couple different stories about what goes on at the airfield, both during hours and also after hours.
With what really didn't seem to long hours pass by and it is finally coming up to be our jump time. Mira, Melissa and I ask Nessa again if she wants to jump. Surprising to all of us she says "Yeah, I am going to do it"!!! With amazement on our face we are so happy.
The three of us go through the quick training class on what is going to happen when we are jumping and our responsibilities. They explain to us that we have to make our bodies like a banana and arch our back, legs and neck as far back as possible. With a couple practice rounds and a couple real goofy pictures we are all set for the jump.
After an intense game of Rock, Paper, Scissors it is decided that Mira will jump first, I will be second and Nessa will hold up the rear. Mira is quickly strapped into the harness and we meet our jump instructor, Bob. Bob might be one of the greatest individuals I have ever met. He is a 5' tall man, who weighs probably around 200lbs and has a gray beard. All you have to picture is a garden gnome and that is what Bob looks like. The one thing that topped off Bob was the fact that he also wears Superman pajama pants any time he jumps! He was the shit!
Mira takes off in the plane with Bob, the pilot and the guy who is going to shoot her video. After about 25 minutes or so, and continuance straining of the eyes to see where the plane is, we finally see Mira's parachute open up! This is when I start to get really freaking excited, because I know that I am going to be up there next.
She finally touches down and we head over to see how it was. With her hair all over the place and the look of amazement on her face, she just tells me I have to go do it! Mira was in complete amazement and I just got sooo much more excited.
I am then strapped into the harness and Bob reviews the responsibilities with me. On the way to the plane I make some small talk with Bob asking him how long he has been doing this. The jester that he is tells me its his 3rd week and that he is hoping to jump on his own soon. Funny Bob! He then tells me that he has been doing this since the '60s, well before I was born.
I climb into the plane, which is the smallest thing I have ever been in. There is one seat for the pilot, and I am instructed to sit right behind it, while Bob sits in front of me and the guy who is going to shoot my video is sitting next to me. With the four of us in there the plane is very snug. The entire frame of the plane can be seen from the inside and it looked as if duck tape was holding it together. But, this actually added to more excitement for me.
Bob puts an altimeter on my wrist, so that I know what height we are at, and we start to get ready for the jump. he hands me goggles and has be position myself behind the pilot so that Bob can strap our harnesses together. After my knees and lower legs start to fall asleep, from the position I am in, Bob lets me sit down and wait for our right altitude.
Once the altimeter reads 10,000 ft we swing the plane door open and begin to shimmy ourselves towards the edge. With the one diver holding onto the wing and shooting the video, Bob and I are sitting on the edge of the plane and looking down at the ground. The pilot cuts the engines and slowly tilts the plane as Bob counts down from 3. On 1 Bob and I jump out of the plane and start to fly towards the ground. I cannot even explain the feeling that I had at this moment. It did not feel like falling, it felt more like I was flying, or even levitating in the same spot. For 15 seconds the free fall goes on. Bob then pulls the chute and everything stands still for a moment and we begin to glide down to the ground. He hands me the controls of the chute and tells me to avoid the hang gliders. After about 15 minutes and several corkscrews we finally come in for the landing. Since Bob is so short, compared to me, we have to land by sliding in on our buts.
With a flawless landing, I turn to Bob and tell him I need to buy him a drink. He then tells me that back in the day skydiving use to get him laid all the time. Bob is definitely the man!
I was completely amazed with the whole experience and I honestly cant wait to go again. If anyone wants to go let me know and I will be there in a second!
(Once I receive the video it will be posted)
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