We parked his Element a block from the beach and started walking down to check out the surf. As our eyes peered above the dunes in order to catch the first glimpse, several expletives came out as our jaws dropped. The waves were crazy! One wave crashing on top of the next. It looked as if there was a tornado coming up on shore. The waves were coming high up onto the beach and were certainly not appropriate for me to learn for the first time.
An hour and a half drive down to the shore just turned into a pointless road trip of disappointment! With the feeling of failure in my heart, Dave and I got back into the Element and headed back up North, with the occasional, "Damn it! Oh well, next week". So, our adventure has been postponed to this upcoming Friday, due to God being mad that I thought he could not stop my mad surfing skills!
Yesterday, however, turned into a lot of fun. After spending the morning with Laura, running some errands, grabbing our regular Starbucks fix, we headed to the local Halloween store. With one of my favorite holidays right around the corner we decided to start looking for some kick-ass costumes. Let me just say that costumes are not the same as they use to be!
I remember the days of Pirates and Vampires! Now-a-days some of these costumes have just gone above and beyond what they should ever be! I understand that Halloween has become the holiday for girls to go out and have an excuse for dressing up as a "Slutty Nurse" or a "Slutty Referee" or a "Slutty" anything. But, guys costumes are starting to cross the line a bit in a sexual way. The "Snake Charmer" or the "Hung Like A Horse" costumes are 2 of many. (Pictured below). Funny, yes! But somehow it still offends me somehow. I think I am just going to cut a couple holes in my bed sheet and go as a ghost this year.

Later that evening, after saying fair well to Laura, who was heading off to spend the night with some college friends, I headed out to the mall with Kathleen, Dave and my niece Emily. They had to run some errands and pick up a couple things, and I just came along for the ride.
We started out at FYE, where Dave and I met up with Kat and Emmie. While we were waiting, we were looking at a couple new CD releases, one of which by a band that Dave just introduced me to called, Does It Offend You, Yeah! It then dawned on me that Laura and I have been meaning to get out and purchase the 3rd Season of the show, Weeds, considering we watched the 2nd season in 2 sittings! I quickly skimmed the DVD rack, found what I was looking for, purchased it, and quickly texted Laura to let her know that I just got her a present. With the both of us being horrible with surprises she quickly asks, "What?" and of course I respond with "It starts with a W". Jeesh, Brendan, way to leave anything to the imagination. What else could it be!?
After leaving FYE, Dave, looking for a new chain for a charm that he has, was stopping at every kiosk that he could before Kathleen wanted to strangle him. What we later found out at dinner, Kathleen would tell Dave and I that some weird guy was following us from kiosk to kiosk looking at Emily. This little pervert was really lucky that Dave and I did not realize. For as defensive as I can be for my family, Dave is so much more "off the reservation" and would certainly hand this guy a good old fashioned whoop ass!
We then headed to the Babies R Us, where we found Emmie the cutest Halloween costume. She is going to be a cute purple monster. Sort of looks like one of the monsters from Monsters Inc.
After a couple more stops in the mall, we headed to a new Mexican place (Dave loves Mexican) and inhaled nachos and a couple tacos! We headed home and I spent the rest of the night playing Call of Duty, laying down with Toby and watching some TV. So, what started off as a disappointment from the ocean, turned out to be a good weekend with the family.
B, if the purple monster costume comes in your size I think you should buy it.
Dude, I already tried to fit into hers!
You are a sad sad man.
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