Monday, October 27, 2008


Throughout college my roomies and I use to live by the stories on one, Tucker Max. Tucker Max was a law school graduate who decided the courtroom was certainly not his lifes destination, but rather partying was. Tucker Max (as you can tell you have to call him by both his first and last names) is a blogger who goes out at night, gets piss ass drunk and keeps tabs (via recording devices or his memory) on the night and then writes about his adventures the next day.

Some of his stories are completely ridiculous and some are offensive, but all are completely hilarious. He has also gone and published some of stories.

If you are interested, check him out at

Also in a list of things to check out is

This is another blog of 2 individuals who have people send in their crazy ass IM convo's that either come after a long night of drinking or recap a funny story. Then these guys write a short blog about each one.

Def check them both out!

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