Monday, October 27, 2008
Some of his stories are completely ridiculous and some are offensive, but all are completely hilarious. He has also gone and published some of stories.
If you are interested, check him out at
Also in a list of things to check out is
This is another blog of 2 individuals who have people send in their crazy ass IM convo's that either come after a long night of drinking or recap a funny story. Then these guys write a short blog about each one.
Def check them both out!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
World's Worst Dog?
Right around the time that John Grogan released his book I had purchased my first dog, Toby. True, I have had other dogs before him; Cassie, a crazy little "hot dog" dachshund that use to eat all my G.I. Joes and store the remains of them under the couch, and Charlie, who was an absolute nutcase Beagle/Springer Spaniel mix that would bite everyone and dig holes throughout our entire property; but Toby was the first dog that I could officially say was mine.
As reading "Marley & Me", Grogan goes on to say that he owned "the world's worst dog", but when you take a look at it, that 97 lb Lab is no worse than a lot other dogs out there. Sure, he chewed apart a couch, a phone and slippers, but what dog hasn't? And, yeah, whenever there was a thunderstorm he would completely tear apart the laundry room, but why put your dog in there, unless you are asking for trouble.
This story certainly is a touching one that goes from the day that John and his wife brought him home all the way till the day he goes to that little puppy heaven in the clouds. But, it really shows you that a pet is not just an animal or something you purchased, a pet is someone who you brought into your family, to be a part of your family. Some people, myself included, get so attached to their pets that they might as well be a brother or sister.
With Toby being 2 and a half, I have already been through a lot of the same things that John Grogan decibels in his book. He has eaten things he was not supposed to (fish, birds, whole pine cones), he has gotten into things he was not supposed to (garbage, baby diapers, whole bags of chocolate), but I have also seen him at his happiest (running next to me in the mornings for our jogs, laying next to me when we are going to sleep, or fetching a stick in the lake).
You should certainly check out the book, but if you don't have the time or if you are just flat out lazy, check out the movie that is coming out on Christmas.
Been Stuck In My Head (MP3 is still broken. Worse weeks ever!)
Kings Of Leon
Sex On Fire
Sunday, October 19, 2008
(sigh) Fall (sigh)
After sleeping in (that is enjoying the season, right?) we get up and make breakfast for ourselves. Some taylor ham and egg on an english muffin! (She really knows the way to my fat heart!) We next head out on our trip out to the country to pick some apples.
With the smell of the fallen leaves and smiles on our faces because we know we will get to act young again and pick apples with smiles on our face, we head up to Newton to the farm. Just as we park and start walking towards our final destination, a man comes over and asks if we were there for the apple picking. We of course, shake our heads and say "yes". Then, our of his mouth comes, "Sorry, but we are done for the season". Apparently in 2 weekends all their apples were picked! We had just missed the last trip out there by 1 hour! Damn it!
Even though they didn't have apples for us to pick, there were still apples inside that they had picked already. So, we grabbed some apples, some fresh 100% natural apple cider (banging), and some apple donuts (the fatty I am). We purchase our fall fruit and etc. and head back onto the road. Since that took us no time, what-so-ever, we wanted to hit up a winery, but there was none in the area, so we decided to just head back to my house with some wine and sit outside and enjoy the leaves.
On our way back, Laura and I, took the nice long scenic route. All I could think of was the fact that I hated when my parents did this when I was young, but now I happily enjoy it.
At home, we drink some wine eat some pizza and enjoy some YouTube videos.
We then come up with the great idea to head to Wal-Mart and find an outdoor fireplace. We purchase one, put it together in the dark, and I start a fire as we sit outside, drink some more wine and enjoy the cool weather. Definitely enjoying that every weekend before it start snowing. It was definitely a great call on Laura's part.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Weekend of Wonderment!!!
Friday morning I woke up in the happiest mood I have been in a long long time. It was the day that Laura was getting back from her vacation to Hawaii. Even though we had contacted each other continuously while she was gone, it was horrible to be away from her for so long. As I was getting ready I decided to check to make sure that her flight was coming in on time. Low and behold it was not only coming in on time, but it was coming in 30 minutes early! I had to bust a move and get my ass down to Newark to make sure that I could meet her when she was getting off the plane.
With determination, dedication and love in my heart I raced down (hoping to avoid any police officers) to the airport. Luckily I got there with some time to spare and make sure I found the appropriate area to wait. As I stood there waiting I started to see people carrying lai's and wearing Hawaiian excitement built and my stomach started turning. I was getting a feeling in my stomach that I can only compare to the one you get when you go on a first date. I had butterflies in my stomach for the girlfriend I already had!
It was then that I started to hear her friends voice (a very distinctive voice that you can not miss) and see her tan freckled legs coming down the escalator. She was more beautiful than I had remembered. I grabbed onto her, hugged her, kissed her and never wanted to let go. Unfortunately I had to because we needed to get her bag.
After getting her luggage we headed back to the car and then swooped around to another terminal because I had to pick up one of my uncles and his girlfriend who had flown in 10 minutes after Laura.
Once we dropped them off at one of my other uncles homes we headed back to her house to enjoy ourselves, relax and catch up. She also gave me the presents that she had gotten for me from her trip. Two wonderful T-Shirts, a bottle opener that had a little Tiki god on it, and some candies for my family. We looked at pictures, talked to her rents (her mom loves when I tease her), we actually watched some adorable home movies, haha, ate some dinner and then relaxed for the rest of the night.
On Saturday, we woke up to K-Fin (Laura's mom's name is Kathleen Finley so everyone calls her K-Fin) brewing coffee and laying out bagels. With bagels, coffee and OJ in our stomachs we started getting ready for my grandfather's birthday party.
My grandfather is absolutely one of the most amazing people I know. Being born in 1908 he was raised in NYC. He remembers playing stick ball in a field where the current Yankee stadium now stands. When his father passed away he took off with his brother to perform on Vaudeville as an dance and acrobatic performer. That is where he met my grandmother and love of his life. They married, had 11 children, grew old together and loved each other more and more each day. My Nana passed away several years ago and when we all thought he was going to pass away not far after he surprised us all and kept chugging along. He is now 100 years of age and still in great shape. He is actually going to be on Willard Scott's birthday announcements sponsored by Smuckers.
At the party I saw family members who I haven't seen in years. I introduced Laura to everyone, who I am sure does not remember a lot of the names, because I don't even remember most of the names. At the party the family danced, caught up, chased kids around and of course drank like Irish families should.
After the party my cousin Renee was having a party at her house up in Smoke Rise, so Laura and I headed up that way. After getting lost in the development (beautiful homes but the worst place to drive at night because all the street signs are unreadable!) we retraced our steps and finally made our way there.
For the rest of the night we partied more, bullshitted with family members, I was attacked by my 8 year old cousin, Laura and I played pool and drank and she became bff's with some of my cousins.
All I could think of while I was watching her with my family was our future together and that she is certainly the one that I want with me the rest of my life. She is definitely the one I want to become a part of my family. She fit perfectly with them as if she was meant to be from the beginning.
With many more drinks in us and a lot of laughs we navigated out of this gated community from hell and headed home to relax since I had work in the morning.
Overall it was definitely a fantastic weekend. Laura came back from her vaca, my Poppop is 100 years old, I saw most of my family, and they have completely accepted Laura as one of us.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
It's Now Official

Thursday, October 2, 2008
The Rise or Fall of Our Nation
I have never been much of a follower or politics, so I don't know if it's the fact that I am getting older and am in that age that I realize the next president really affects me, or maybe it's the fact that I have never seen such a pathetic and unprepared team running for the house.
I understand McCain wanting to become president. He has spent 26 years in the Senate and has always been in the lime light of D.C. He is a war hero who was captured and tortured. And he is a clone of Bush, so of course all the Republicans would love him.
Palin on the other hand, I think, should either be tested for downs or just taken into the Alaskan back mountain, shot in the knee caps and left there staring at her Russian neighbors. I am sure, McCain thought that choosing a somewhat attractive woman, that he could shape and mold into a VP of his liking, but I don't think he realized what he was getting himself into.
She has not only embarrassed herself and McCain, but also all Republicans, and worst of all, she has embarrassed most of us to call ourselves Americans. She has no public speaking ability, she has knowledge of what she is talking about and she is just all around pathetic. She has mentioned that she is from Alaska, not a foreign country. But yet, she acts as if she is. She has no idea what is going on in D.C., she has no idea what her running mate has even done in the past 26 years. She is a complete lost cause.
What would we ever do if God-forbid the two of them were elected and even worse, something happens to McCain and this dits becomes president. Not only do I think I would leave the country and live in Canada, wake up every morning and piss on the Alaskan border, but I think that Hilary Clinton would blow her brains out all over the steps of the White House.
If these two are given the strongest positions in the world, then our power as the most superior country in the world will become a laughing stock.
The only thing that will save us from this horrible world are the strong words of Obama.
Even though I was not even a glimpse in my parents eye at the time, JFK was the everything to this country. He was a prestigious Kennedy, with such an amazing run for the White House. He became, what some would call, one of the greatest presidents. He promised that we would reach the moon. He inspired, not only Democrats, but every single American. Everyone believe in this man. This is how I view Obama.
Obama is going to be the cure for a lot of ailments that this country has. He has stated that under his watch that this country will be free of foreign oil dependency within 10 years. This man will get us out of this horrible economy we have found ourselves in under Bush. This man will rally our country together. Make us a force to be reckoned with again.
Obama is the man for the job. And I really hope that this country will realize it before it is too damn late. Otherwise I am going to be freezing my ass off pissing in the Yukon Territory!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
On My MP3......which is actually crapped out right now.....
Check it out.....
Thursday, September 25, 2008
On My MP3
Even though he comes across as an idiot people still love him, me included. Especially with this new song, Love Lock Down, which ever since I heard it it has been stuck in my head!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Oh, How I Hate The King

As someone who is doing the best he can to lose weight and get in great shape in order to run marathons and hopefully participate in triathlons one day I have become a much better eater recently. I have gone ahead and cut out soda, cut out a lot of the snacks I use to inhale all the time (cookies, ice cream, sweets), steered clear of late night snacks and have declined the periodic 2nd slice of pizza or moderate serving of mac & cheese.
One thing that is really tough is having a very busy schedule and still being able to eat well. Even though people make fun of me at work, I make my lunch almost every day and bring it in my little cooler. Some days however there is just not enough time to prepare a lunch or dinner and I have to sacrifice and have some food at work. The good thing about working at a spa is the fact that at our juice bar we have healthy food. Chicken wraps, salads, protein smoothies, and some other good stuff.
The bad thing with running out of time and having to grab something real quick before work is the fact that eating good means you need time to prepare it. There is no such thing as good fast-food! Sure, McDonald's has its salads and Burger King has its grilled chicken sandwiches, but believe me, they really aren't the best things for you.
I had the worst experience with BK this morning, which means the King and I are going to have to take a break for a while. After running some errands this morning, with Dave, for our company, I had barely enough time to get my ass to work, but yet, I still had not eaten any lunch. First place I see is a Burger King. The inviting red and blue colors with the play-place staring at me through the windows as I sat there at a red light made me finally crack and pull into the drive-thru.
As anyone who does not frequent fast food places, especially early in the day, seeing the fact that the breakfast sandwiches are still up on the board is like finding a giant gold nugget in the toilet after having the worst battle with your rear end! With happiness in my voice and my stomach screaming for the tasty goodness, I order a #2 and a black coffee with 2 sugars. Ah, yes, the Croissanwich w/ Sausage, Egg & Cheese!!! This is kick-ass!
After ordering the lady says something and gives me the total, but I don't care. Aliens could be attacking right now, but as long as I get my croissanwich I would die a happy human! I pull up, give the lady (I use the term "Lady" in a lose fashion), she gives me change and I take my coffee and my bag of delicious wonderment!
As I am driving off I reach in to start nibbling on some hash browns. I pull out my hand and I just have a handful of french fries......FRENCH FRIES!!! WTF! She game me french fries with my breakfast sandwich. What's the matter with this "lady"?!?!?
I figure, it's ok. I still have my sandwich. I reach in and pull out this huge sandwich, all wrapped up. I never remember the b-fast sandwiches being this big? Huh? Slowly opening the wrapper, since I am driving, and all I see is lettuce....tomatoe...onion...WTF...bun....huge hamburgers!!! Nooooooooo!!! Where is my croissanwich!
Apparently, since it was right on the cusp of 11:00 AM the sign on the drive-thru had not changed yet and when I ordered a "#2" instead of my croissanwich #2, I got the gigantic, heart attack, double whopper with cheese #2, which comes with a nasty layer of fatty cholesterol between all the onions/pickles and thick layers of cheese!
With 3 bites in my stomach, I nearly yacked from fast food intake. So, as of right now, Mr. King of the fast-food, I am mad at you and your fellow "lady" employee!
Worst part of it all....I still want my DAMN CROISSANWICH!!!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Can't Wait To Get My Fix!
With me, however, I have an addiction that people would think that I am insane for....even more insane then for being addicted to cocaine. At least for an addiction like that, they have clinics. But, for someone who is addicted to the thrill and exhilaration of skydiving, there is nothing to do to help me.
From the first moment that I leaped from that small single engine plane and felt the freedom of flying and becoming one of the few thousand who have touched a cloud from 10,000+ feet, I have become addicted. It is something that I cannot wait to do again. I know that with taking repetitive risk I increase my chances of falling to my death, but please, you only live once. I have seen enough lives fall short, and the saddest thing is that they were never able to accomplish things they always wanted to do in their life.
I want to be able to look back on my life, when I on my death bed, and be able to say that I am happy with my life. There is not one thing that I to miss in this short time that I have on this planet.
I absolutely cannot wait to jump again. I am actually starting to get a little depressed with the fact that I won't be able to jump again for a little while. Not only because it is getting colder out, but also because of financial reason. It really is not a cheap addiction to have! This is why I am also picking up surfing. For someone who is not the best with his balance, or even the best over all swimmer, it will be a challenge, but that is what I am looking for. I am looking for something to challenge my body, my mind and my over all being.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Weekend of disappointment and fun
We parked his Element a block from the beach and started walking down to check out the surf. As our eyes peered above the dunes in order to catch the first glimpse, several expletives came out as our jaws dropped. The waves were crazy! One wave crashing on top of the next. It looked as if there was a tornado coming up on shore. The waves were coming high up onto the beach and were certainly not appropriate for me to learn for the first time.
An hour and a half drive down to the shore just turned into a pointless road trip of disappointment! With the feeling of failure in my heart, Dave and I got back into the Element and headed back up North, with the occasional, "Damn it! Oh well, next week". So, our adventure has been postponed to this upcoming Friday, due to God being mad that I thought he could not stop my mad surfing skills!
Yesterday, however, turned into a lot of fun. After spending the morning with Laura, running some errands, grabbing our regular Starbucks fix, we headed to the local Halloween store. With one of my favorite holidays right around the corner we decided to start looking for some kick-ass costumes. Let me just say that costumes are not the same as they use to be!
I remember the days of Pirates and Vampires! Now-a-days some of these costumes have just gone above and beyond what they should ever be! I understand that Halloween has become the holiday for girls to go out and have an excuse for dressing up as a "Slutty Nurse" or a "Slutty Referee" or a "Slutty" anything. But, guys costumes are starting to cross the line a bit in a sexual way. The "Snake Charmer" or the "Hung Like A Horse" costumes are 2 of many. (Pictured below). Funny, yes! But somehow it still offends me somehow. I think I am just going to cut a couple holes in my bed sheet and go as a ghost this year.

Later that evening, after saying fair well to Laura, who was heading off to spend the night with some college friends, I headed out to the mall with Kathleen, Dave and my niece Emily. They had to run some errands and pick up a couple things, and I just came along for the ride.
We started out at FYE, where Dave and I met up with Kat and Emmie. While we were waiting, we were looking at a couple new CD releases, one of which by a band that Dave just introduced me to called, Does It Offend You, Yeah! It then dawned on me that Laura and I have been meaning to get out and purchase the 3rd Season of the show, Weeds, considering we watched the 2nd season in 2 sittings! I quickly skimmed the DVD rack, found what I was looking for, purchased it, and quickly texted Laura to let her know that I just got her a present. With the both of us being horrible with surprises she quickly asks, "What?" and of course I respond with "It starts with a W". Jeesh, Brendan, way to leave anything to the imagination. What else could it be!?
After leaving FYE, Dave, looking for a new chain for a charm that he has, was stopping at every kiosk that he could before Kathleen wanted to strangle him. What we later found out at dinner, Kathleen would tell Dave and I that some weird guy was following us from kiosk to kiosk looking at Emily. This little pervert was really lucky that Dave and I did not realize. For as defensive as I can be for my family, Dave is so much more "off the reservation" and would certainly hand this guy a good old fashioned whoop ass!
We then headed to the Babies R Us, where we found Emmie the cutest Halloween costume. She is going to be a cute purple monster. Sort of looks like one of the monsters from Monsters Inc.
After a couple more stops in the mall, we headed to a new Mexican place (Dave loves Mexican) and inhaled nachos and a couple tacos! We headed home and I spent the rest of the night playing Call of Duty, laying down with Toby and watching some TV. So, what started off as a disappointment from the ocean, turned out to be a good weekend with the family.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
For weeks now he has been wanting to bring me down to the beach to teach me how to surf, but every week there has either been bad weather or something has come up and we haven't been able to go. Alas, Friday has arrived again, the weather is looking great, the waves are supposed to be good and I have watched my fix of "How to surf" videos on YouTube.
So, tomorrow with wet suit leaving nothing to the imagination, and surf board under my arm, I will run into the cold Northern Atlantic Ocean to tackle the waves in one sport that I have yet to attempt. The easy sports: football, basketball, baseball are all checked off the list. The fun sports: beer pong, flip cup, eating contests, CHECK! Then there are the insane sports that I have recently been intrigued by. Skydiving being the first checked off the list. Next up is surfing and then who knows what.
As long as I survive tomorrow, I will blog about my tale. Hopefully I will be able to get my fat, uncoordinated ass up on the board without letting my sucky balance knock me off all day. Please remember me tomorrow morning when you are all at work and I am surfing (hopefully) the waves and "hanging 10"......does saying that make it easier to surf?
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Wow, I have really been MIA!!!
It is a funny story about how my girlfriend, Laura, and I came together. It is one of those stories you definitely tell people and they act as if it is really cute, but they are actually getting sick on the inside because it is really DAMN cute.
Well, Laura and I have known each other for years now. Almost a decade now, but we have never been as close as we are now. In high school I was great friends with her 2 cousins who went to school with us. When Laura had decided to transfer to DePaul from Pompton Lakes, her one cousin, John, had asked me if I would be able to drive her to school (since I already had my license and he still had a couple months until he got his). So, of course, the nice guy I am said "yes".
I started picking her up for school every morning. Being friends with her cousins I quickly became a big brother/cousin figure to her. I would watch out for her, making sure no one was messing with her. And I would also scold her if her skirt was too short for school.....which I was secretly just checking her out.
The year had gone on and I got busy with college plans, Laura's cousin started to drive her to school instead, and we became a little distant. We fell out of touch but she was on my mind from time to time when I was off at college. She had gone on to do her own thing at Marist, in NY and then off to Lake Tahoe for a little while.
Then several months ago Steve's sister was getting married. At the wedding I was sitting down waiting for the ceremony to start and who would walk down the aisle with her mom and sister....Laura! She looked gorgeous in the black dress that she wore. We got talking at the reception and exchanged numbers in order to keep in touch and hang out. Me being still iffy, wondering if Steve would kill me for hanging out with his cousin, had second thoughts about calling her. She would later call this my "Hot and Cold Game". She would say I would flirt with her really bad and then have nothing to do with her.....I dont know what she is talking about.
It was then a couple weeks after that when Steve had called me from Thatcher McGee's, a local Irish Pub, a stone throw away from Laura's house. I wasnt going to do anything that night, but just stay home and relax, but Steve was persistant and told me to come, I did. Getting there for happy hour was a good idea. Had a couple beers, had some appetizers....all on the Enterprise Rent-A-Car dime, and had a good time hanging out with Steve, Di and some of Steve's co-workers.
After being there for a little while, I am getting a little bored of being the 3rd wheel, as I always was, and I started looking around at the crowd. Then, down at the other end of the bar I see this familiar freckled face with a big smile. Laura Finley! I hit Steve and tell him she is there and I head down to surprise her. One hug turns into stories of high school, which turns into pictures, which turns into Laura telling me about the crush she had on me back in the day, which all turned into the amazing relationship we have now.
Ever since that night we have seen each other almost every day and we are constantly learning more about each other and loving every minute of it. She really is an amazing girl and I can't get enough of her. Who would have thought 10 years ago that we would have ended up here, together.
She really has started a new chapter in the book of my life and I have the feeling its going to be a long happy one.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
The Olympic Dream!!!

From the start the US team has been battling closely with the Chinese for Medal contention. As of right now the Chinese lead us 35 to 34 total medals, while they are completely embarrassing every nation with the gold medal count of 22, with the US in a distant 2nd with only 10 (Michael Phelps having 5 of those around his neck). The US also has golds in Shooting, Cycling and Fencing. Surprisingly the US woman swept all the medals in Fencing.
It has also been an amazing Olympic event not only for countries like the US and China who demolish everyone and are expected to be contenders for every event, but also for the "no-name" countries that people don't even know exist. For the first time in Modern Olympic history that anyone from the country of Togo has won a medal. Togo is a small country in Africa where the kayaker, Benjamin Boukpeti, came from and won the Bronze. Once the realization came to him that he has won the medal, he raised his oar above his head and with great enthusiasm and utter amazement he cracked it over the front of his kayak. It is moments like this one that make people want to be an athlete for their country.

The one thing that I can't stand about the Olympics is the fact that even though events are being broad casted on several stations they all show the same damn thing! Plus, it is all the events that we constantly see, such as tennis, basketball, baseball, etc, etc. I want to see things that I never kayaking, judo, diving, shooting and so on!
Also, I know that we kick ass in the pool and that Michael Phelps has become a house home name, but I don't want to hear the same news over and over about him. I don't want to know that he eats 12,000 calories a day, and that he swims 5 hrs a day. I don't care! And stop taking away from the rest of the events.
What is even worse than that is the fact that we might have the worst commentators EVER on NBC. Tiki Barber should stick to football, and the rest of them are just completely killing me. We couldn't find former Olympic medal winners to speak on NBC? No, we had to find the worst people ever. This is a global event, don't you think that we should have great newscasters!?
Well, I wish the US the best of luck with the remaining Olympics and I really look forward to watching the Track & Field. I will have to wait and see if they show any Discus.
For full coverage on all the events check out NBC's web page at
I don't know about you, but I can't wait for the trampoline event starting on Saturday!
Monday, August 11, 2008
It Smells Like Camping!!!

After everyone got out of work on Friday (I am still unemployed) a couple of us met up at Laura's house to embark on our weekend camping adventure. Some of us packed as if for a night (myself, Krystle and Katie) and some of us (Laura) packed as if for an epic adventure. I think that I probably could have looked out my back window if it wasn't for her "body bag" sized duffel. Haha!
We arrived at Camp Taylor, in Blairstown, NJ, a stone throws away from the Delaware Water Gap just around sun down. We sign in quickly, get some wood for the camp fire and we head to our designated campsites! With excitement in the air I head off to one of the pits to start a fire. The girls began to erect their tent as the blaze of the fire starts and I get a face full of smoke!
Once the fire is blazing Laura and I head over to put up our tent before it gets too dark. With a couple frustrating areas of solid rock, I am finally able to hammer down the stakes to keep the tent in one spot. Finally with everything in the tents and the beds made for later, we all surround the fire and relax. Beers and mixed drinks in hand and stories being recollected I start to make the stereo-typical campfire snack......s'mores! YUMMY! Roasted marshmallows, melted chocolate and graham crackers. I want to kiss who ever invented it.

The next morning, hoping to sleep in somewhat, we are woken bright and early by the "most annoying children in the world" pushing the Tonka Trucks throughout the campsite next to us. I have never not wanted children more than at that moment at 7:30 in the morning. With disgust in our voices, because quiet hours are supposed to be until 9:00, we try to get as much more sleep as we can. We wake up a little later and decide to have some breakfast. Of course, the breakfast of champions!......Pop-tarts, Applejacks and Grilled ham and cheese sandwiches!
After breakfast, and bitching about parents who don't know how to keep their children quiet, Krystle and Katie head back to sleep and Laura and I decide to head to the lake to enjoy the sun and water. With several pictures taken, several tequila sunrises and franzia drank (yes, boxed wine!....they are classy girls, haha), we head back for some lunch.
After some lunch we head to the main building in order to use the facilities. Since we are covered in ick and grime from the lake we use the coin-operated showers! As we head back to camp, we grab some more wood for the fire, and some extra ice to keep the food and beverages cool.
Next, we head up to the Wolf Preserve that they have located at the camping grounds. There are 2 different times during the day that you can head up there to get a tour of the preserve, but since we headed up later in the day the gates were closed and we could only see the first couple dozen yards of the pens. As soon as we reach the gates a wolf strolls right up to the other side of the fence, no farther than 1o yds from us. We also see several little foxes running around the grounds. As we turn and begin to head back one of the wolves begins to howl. One by one each wolf joins in, just as if it is a primitive orchestra of wolf opera singers. Even though it was completely amazing, it was spine-tingling at the same time.
We reach the campsites just as the sun is sneaking behind the trees. We light the fire and start cooking some dinner. Hamburgers, hot dogs, and corn. Laura and I, since we didn't get to take a nap in the morning, decide to lay down around 10ish for only 20 minutes. Next thing we know we wake up, pitch black, no noise. I check my phone and it says 2:30. I poke my head out of the one is there....everything is away....and the fire is out. So much for the 20 minute nap!
Sunday morning, we wake with even more annoying children being loud and obnoxious! With a little chill on the wind, we light a fire for breakfast to keep us warm. After breakfast we start to pack up the tents, get everything into the car and head out around mid-day.
With such a great weekend it is so hard to head back into the week day. Luckily for me, I am still unemployed, so I can sit here and blog about what I have done. Too bad for the rest of them who are off at their different jobs.
Definite plans for another trip back to the camp grounds. Definitely recommend Camp Taylor. Very nice, quiet (as long as you are not stuck next to stupid children) and a lot to do.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Bad Tattoos And The Idiots Who Thought They Were A Good Idea
But, with all good things there has to be the opposite end of the spectrum. There has to be the God awful tattoos that people think are a great idea at the time. Either they are drunk, they have a momentary loss of judgement.....or maybe they really are that retarded.
First on my list of stupid tattoos is not too can look. I don't think its the tattoo that bothers me in this pic. I think that is is more the fact that she thinks she looks good showing it off! Hunny, if you want to show off a God awful tattoo, at least have a decent body. The rolls hanging over the jeans just draw attention away from the tattoos and to how nasty of a hick you are. It honestly looks like you are hiding muffins under that muffin top! Just gotta love NASCAR fans.

Not only does this guy have a really stupid tat of a cow, but man, you have a HUGE belly button. You can seriously hide stuff in there! Keep an afternoon snack in there in case you get hungry! This next was is actually pretty funny! For as much as he will regret this someday when his kids ask him why there is a monkey anus on his stomach, it is hilarious.
I don't even want to know what this guys fascination with cat ass is all about. I think this guy has to go see a shrink and talk about his beasteality problems. If anyone sees this stomach go into a pet store, please call the authorities and hide all the felines.
Then, there is the ultimate retarded tattoo for the ultimate retarded woman. This lady sold her forehead on eBay in order to get money to get her son into a private school. She was able to get $10,000 to place a BIG bold advertisement for a casino on her dome! She claimed that since her son had fallen behind in public school that going to private school would help him with his studies. I can tell you right now, if he got his brains from you then no matter where he goes to school he is going to be the last in his class and be known as the kid with the retarded mother who has the tattoo on her forehead!
Weds Night/I Am A Dork Night

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Training My Ass Into Shape Other Than Chubby

Monday, July 21, 2008
Tattoo Thoughts
I have put much thought into what and into where I will get this milestone. Since it will be my first tat, and my family would murder me if they knew I had one, I have decided on getting it in a very unnoticable forehead...haha, joking. I believe that my right thigh is going to be the most oppurtune place for it. I know some people have said that that is not a good spot, because no one will be able to see it. This I really don't care about, because this tattoo is for myself. It will only mean something to me, and I could really care if anyone sees it or even approves of it.
Then came the thoughts of what I was going to get. I wanted something that would be close to my heart and something that I would never regret. I have been working on a Celtic Knot design that is going to be going all the way around my right thigh.
The Celtic Knot will entail 2 different designs. The first being a knot that stands for my last name, Byrnes. Byrnes is Gaelic and comes from the name O'Byrne or Byrne (the O means "son of"). Byrne can even be traced back even further to Bran, which stands for "raven". With my last name standing for "raven", I have decided to go with a knot consisting of ravens.
The 2nd design that I am going with is a Celtic band that will be going all the way around my thigh. My mother's maiden name is Murphy, a very very Irish name. It is also Gaelic and comes from the name Murchadh, which gets broken down to muir (sea) and cath (battle). Together, the two stand for "Sea Warrior", which just shows you why Murphy is such a dominant and important name.
So, I have taken an old Gaelic Warrior band, and Sea design and have produced a thick band that will extend out of the Raven Knot and go all the way around my thigh, while leaving a small break on the inside of my leg. As everyone knows, you cannot have any tattoo go all the way around any part of your body, because then when you pass away your soul will be unable to leave your body. I believe that this is an old Indian belief.
I am so excited to receive my first tattoo, and I can't wait to see how it ends up. Now, I just have to find a tattoo artist that I can trust will do a great job and that I can see myself coming back to in the future. Because, like skydiving, I believe I will become addicted to tattoos.
Once I receive my first tat, I will def post a picture.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Recap of The Dark Knight

Oh my God! I believe that The Dark Knight might have become my new favorite movie. From the first scene, with the Capped Crusader, my attention was captured. The performances by each actor was absolutely phenomenal.
Even with the fact that the movie is 2 1/2 hrs long, it certainly did not feel like it. There was so much going on throughout the entire story, and action packed scenes one right after the other insured that my A.D.D. could not take over.
With all the talk of Heath Ledger receiving an Oscar nomination, and even possibly winning with this performance, I thought that it was rather far fetched. Especially since movies like this one (Ironman, Incredible Hulk, Fantastic 4, X-Men, etc.) are never put into the same level as Forrest Gump or Silence of the Lambs, which both had received awards for Best Actor. But, the performance that I watched this evening completely blew me away. I had never thought, from the first moment I heard Ledger was going to play The Joker, that he would be able to pull it off. I kept picturing him in his roles in The Patriot and A Knight's Tale (I never saw Brokeback Mountain) and just couldn't see how he would be able to fill the role of the psychologically demented serial killer of The Joker.
Ledger definitely proved me wrong, along with many other critics, I am sure. He fit the role, dare I say, better than Jack Nicholson in the 1989 rendition of Batman, even though I could see certain instances throughout The Dark Knight that would remind me of Jacks performance. The way Ledger carried himself was a sure reminder, but he put his own touch into this deep role. Which, I believe, is the reason he passed away from a drug overdose. In order for an actor to play a role, they must walk in the footsteps of the character, and I think that the shoes of The Joker were a bit much for him. He did leave us with a performance that will never be forgotten and will, no doubt, cement his name into The Batman legend.
There were also some twists that you never see coming and additions to the story that you would think would be saved for another film. But, they fit perfectly into the film. I will not go into any depth, because I don't want to ruin anything.
Overall, I was very impressed with the film and I recommend, to everyone, to go see it as soon as you can....even go back a second time, because I am planning on it. Just make sure that you get there early. Seats are filling up quick and showings are selling out in a blink of an eye.
Friday, July 18, 2008
It Finally Arrived!!!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
The Dark Knight
From everything that I have heard, throughout the amount of hype that this picture has received, I believe that this movie will not disappoint. With Christopher Nolan returning as director from Batman Begins, and Christian Bale returning as the infamous Bat, this is looking to make an even larger box office hit then the last.
Also joining the cast, includes Maggie Gyllenhaal as Bruce Wayne's love interest, the late Heath Ledger playing the Joker, and Aaron Eckhart playing Harvey Dent (can we say sequel).
For as unfortunate as it is with the passing of Heath Ledger, I believe that it has also given the movie even more hype and mystery. To play the role of the Joker, Heath had to step into the shoes of a psychopath and seriously disturbed individual. Unfortunately it seems as if the role that would have been his monumental break through was actually the one that killed him.
Even with his passing, there has been constant talk about Heath receiving an Oscar nomination, and that he will receive the award with no competition. He would be only the 2nd individual to receive this nomination after passing away.
I am still up in the air about Heath receiving the Oscar, because I have not seen the film yet. But, from everything that I hear and the fact that Batman Begins is one of my favorite movies ever, I can't see how this movie can disappoint.
Once I see The Dark Knight (believe me, it should be in the next 48 hrs) I will certainly let all of you know what I thought. Plus, check it out for yourself.
What on my MP3
They have recently released a new album, titled Agony & Irony, in which their single "Help Me" has been released. For as good as it is, I believe there is another song on the CD that deserves more recognition.
"Calling All Skeletons"
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Have You Ever Touched A Cloud?

This past Saturday I experienced the greatest thrill of my life. I jumped from 10,000 ft out of a perfectly good airplane! When I tell you that this was absolutely amazing, I really mean it and I recommend to everyone that you do it too!
After arriving down in D.C. Friday night around 11:00, Mira, Nessa and I decide to meet up with some friends and hit the town for a little bit. But, not too late since we had our jump plans the next day. Not too late turned into closing the bars down and staying up until 3:30/4 o'clock! Even though it was a blast going out, it was a mistake since we had to get up around 7 the next morning to drive out to our Drop Zone (using skydiving terms).
From D.C. the trip was roughly a 2 hr drive into Maryland to Rigley Airfield. It was basically the middle of no where on a dirt road! Mira, Nessa and I arrive shortly before 10 and start looking around the airfield and getting really excited. Mira and I have had this planned for a couple months now and we couldn't believe the time had finally arrived and that Nessa was there to support us in our crazy task.
After some confusion on where to go we finally found the office where we had to check in. We meet Melissa, who helps put us through the process. Mira and I fill out the forms that say we cannot take and legal action if something happens to us....such as bodily harm, or if we are killed. My favorite was the last sheet, which was printed on a red paper with big black WARNINGS all over it, telling us we could die!
Melissa goes on to explain to us that one of the jump instructors had actually called out for the day, so our 11 o'clock jump might get pushed back since there is only the one instructor. We say it is fine and head outside to watch the other skydivers come down. Melissa, who has several tattoos and is an absolutely chill chick, decides to join us. She fills us in on a couple different stories about what goes on at the airfield, both during hours and also after hours.
With what really didn't seem to long hours pass by and it is finally coming up to be our jump time. Mira, Melissa and I ask Nessa again if she wants to jump. Surprising to all of us she says "Yeah, I am going to do it"!!! With amazement on our face we are so happy.
The three of us go through the quick training class on what is going to happen when we are jumping and our responsibilities. They explain to us that we have to make our bodies like a banana and arch our back, legs and neck as far back as possible. With a couple practice rounds and a couple real goofy pictures we are all set for the jump.
After an intense game of Rock, Paper, Scissors it is decided that Mira will jump first, I will be second and Nessa will hold up the rear. Mira is quickly strapped into the harness and we meet our jump instructor, Bob. Bob might be one of the greatest individuals I have ever met. He is a 5' tall man, who weighs probably around 200lbs and has a gray beard. All you have to picture is a garden gnome and that is what Bob looks like. The one thing that topped off Bob was the fact that he also wears Superman pajama pants any time he jumps! He was the shit!
Mira takes off in the plane with Bob, the pilot and the guy who is going to shoot her video. After about 25 minutes or so, and continuance straining of the eyes to see where the plane is, we finally see Mira's parachute open up! This is when I start to get really freaking excited, because I know that I am going to be up there next.
She finally touches down and we head over to see how it was. With her hair all over the place and the look of amazement on her face, she just tells me I have to go do it! Mira was in complete amazement and I just got sooo much more excited.
I am then strapped into the harness and Bob reviews the responsibilities with me. On the way to the plane I make some small talk with Bob asking him how long he has been doing this. The jester that he is tells me its his 3rd week and that he is hoping to jump on his own soon. Funny Bob! He then tells me that he has been doing this since the '60s, well before I was born.
I climb into the plane, which is the smallest thing I have ever been in. There is one seat for the pilot, and I am instructed to sit right behind it, while Bob sits in front of me and the guy who is going to shoot my video is sitting next to me. With the four of us in there the plane is very snug. The entire frame of the plane can be seen from the inside and it looked as if duck tape was holding it together. But, this actually added to more excitement for me.
Bob puts an altimeter on my wrist, so that I know what height we are at, and we start to get ready for the jump. he hands me goggles and has be position myself behind the pilot so that Bob can strap our harnesses together. After my knees and lower legs start to fall asleep, from the position I am in, Bob lets me sit down and wait for our right altitude.
Once the altimeter reads 10,000 ft we swing the plane door open and begin to shimmy ourselves towards the edge. With the one diver holding onto the wing and shooting the video, Bob and I are sitting on the edge of the plane and looking down at the ground. The pilot cuts the engines and slowly tilts the plane as Bob counts down from 3. On 1 Bob and I jump out of the plane and start to fly towards the ground. I cannot even explain the feeling that I had at this moment. It did not feel like falling, it felt more like I was flying, or even levitating in the same spot. For 15 seconds the free fall goes on. Bob then pulls the chute and everything stands still for a moment and we begin to glide down to the ground. He hands me the controls of the chute and tells me to avoid the hang gliders. After about 15 minutes and several corkscrews we finally come in for the landing. Since Bob is so short, compared to me, we have to land by sliding in on our buts.
With a flawless landing, I turn to Bob and tell him I need to buy him a drink. He then tells me that back in the day skydiving use to get him laid all the time. Bob is definitely the man!
I was completely amazed with the whole experience and I honestly cant wait to go again. If anyone wants to go let me know and I will be there in a second!
(Once I receive the video it will be posted)
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Caring 4 Kristen

One of my good friends, Kristen Koenig, has recently been diagnosed with stage IV metastatic angiosarcoma of the small intestine. This is a very severe type of cancer, for anyone who doesn't know. There are less than 50 people in the entire country with this type of cancer.
She has been receiving chemo-therapy and receiving blood transfusions a minimum of 2 times a week. With that amount of new blood coming into her body she is developing antibodies that are fighting the foreign blood. So, each week it is becoming harder and harder to receive the transfusions.
Kristen's health insurance is starting to decline payment for the testing and procedures that she needs to stay alive. Because of this, myself along with many of her friends and family are holding a "Caring For Kristen" benefit tricky tray and concert. There will actually be 2 different nights and locations for this event. The first will be held on July 17th at Senuna's Bar & Grill in Wilkes-Barre, PA. As a graduate of King's College, and having many people who are close to Kristen, we thought that it would be a great idea to have a benefit there. The second will be held at Dexter's Nightclub in Riverdale, NJ.
There will be a lot of prizes and bands playing at both events and all proceeds received on both nights will be going straight to Kristen and her family to help pay her medical bills.
If you have any questions or need any details about the events please contact myself.
Why can't we all just get along......and dance!
He has danced in over 80 countries, including the US, Japan, India, Bhutan, Mexico, Madagascar and so many more! He has even reached Antarctica. When you watch his videos you can't help but smile and think that the world is a much better place than people let on. People love to dance, even if they can't do it well. We should just stop fighting and follow Matt's example to enjoy life and just take it one dance step after another.
Who would have thought that some cheesy little jig would launch a former video game developer into stardom.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
What is on my MP3 player right now!
Monday, July 7, 2008
I Have The Best Family Ever!!!