Thursday, April 24, 2008

Day From Hell!!!

I am just going to momentarily bitch about my day for a second here, so just bare with me. Being in the mortgage business as a Loan Officer I depend on my amount of leads and contacts that I make in a day. Well, I don't know if it is me or just the way the economy is (probably a mix of both) but I cannot make a good contact to save my life! Every individual I speak to is in bankruptcy, foreclosure, or just flat out sucks and I can't do anything for them. Because of that, I am not selling anything! If I am not selling anything, that means I don't make any $$$.

Next thing is as a Loan Officer, my job is just supposed to sell loans and make money.....not a difficult job as long as you have the right work ethic and personality......I still don't know how I am doing it. Once we sell the loans a Processor is supposed to take care of the rest and get the damn thing closed. Well, for some reason, people don't like to do their job and try to pawn it off back on to me. If I was a God damn processor then I would have applied for that job....NO, I am a damn Loan Officer....I am a salesman....not a freakin numbers cruncher and document retriever. I will do my job, and PLEASE, do yours!

I am just a little bitter now....and also really tired since it is almost 3:00Am and I have to be up for a licensing test that I am taking at 8:30ish. Have a good night and I will catch you on the flip side (good movie....Boondock Saints!.....check it out)

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